Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself where she may have her young
- Psalm 84:3
"We take homeless women and their children under our wing and create homeowners."
Sparrow'’s Nest operates in partnership with Christian Services/Love Inc.
Sparrow’'s Nest is a 501(c)3 organization; all contributions are tax deductible.
Sparrow’s Nest is not affiliated with Sparrow Health System.
Sparrow's Nest :: P.O. Box 22112 Lansing, MI 48909-2112
Who We Are
"Sparrow’s Nest works with homeless families to break the cycle of
dependency, learn new life skills, and earn the opportunity to afford a
home of their own."
Sparrow's Nest Partners:
Calvary Lutheran Church http://www.calvarylansing.orgCedarway Free Methodist ChurchChristian Services Love INC http://www.christianservicesloveinc.orgEaton Rapids Thrive Church http://www.thrive-church.org
First Christian Church Disciples of Christ http:www.lansingdisciples.orgHouse of Prayer http://www.houseofprayeronline.orgImmaculate Heart of Mary Church http://www.immaculateheartofmarylansing.catholicweb.comLiving Water Church of God http://www.lwcogmi.orgMacedonial-International Worship Center Facebook pageNew Covenant Christian Church http://www.ncccweb.orgNew Hope Church http://www.newhopehaslett.comNorth Westminster Presbyterian Church http://www.northwestminster.orgOlivet Baptist Church http://www.obclansing.orgOneida Gospel Church http://www.oneidagospel.orgRiver Terrace Church http://www.riverterrace.orgSpirit of Christ ChurchFacebook pageSt Gerard Catholic Church http://www.stgerard.orgSt Mary Cathedral http://www.stmarylansing.orgSt Michael's Episcopal http://www.saintmichaellansing.orgTrinity Church http://www.trinitywired.comUniversity Reformed Church http://www.universityreformedchurch.org
Sparrow’s Nest Board of Directors:
Dr. Jim Harkema, President, River Terrace ChurchSteve Owen, Vice President, Trinity ChurchMike Weller, Treasurer, Trinity ChurchAllene Tucker, Secretary, North Westminster Presbyterian ChurchMary Ann Harkema, River Terrace ChurchShawn Cox, River Terrace Church